Tuesday, March 31, 2015

7 Leadership Lessons of the American Revolution: The Founding Fathers, Liberty, and the Struggle for Independence by John Antal

John Antal’s “7 Leadership Lessons of the American Revolution: The Founding Fathers, Liberty, and the Struggle for Independence”. The author uses seven case studies to bring the lessons to life. The case studies are in narrative story form. He is an excellent story-teller who paints a clear picture that brings each story alive.The stories make for great illustrations for the lessons learned. The lessons learned are as applicable to the business enterprise as to military leadership. He does a wonderful job of demonstrating liberty as a motivator demonstrating the importance of the person.

While tempted to do to a chapter by chapter summary of the book, I won't. If you love history. If you love the USA. I you have a sense of patriotism and if you enjoy the study of leadership you will like the book. I strongly recommend “7 Leadership Lessons of the American Revolution: The Founding Fathers, Liberty, and the Struggle for Independence”.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Update about Kepler's Military History Book Reviews

No, I haven't stopped reading and reviewing military history books. Life has gotten in the way.

  • I had my mother have a long hospitalization including a lengthy stay in intensive care, followed by moving her to skilled-nursing care before she passed away. 
  • I am dealing with the challenges of being a caregiver for my nearly ninety years old father.
  • I have a spouse with inoperable cancer.
  • Oh, I also have recovered from abdominal surgery late last year as well as having a screw loose in my should. I have been working with the shoulder surgeon and undergoing physical therapy.
Thank you for your understanding. With a full-time day job, I only have so much bandwidth to accomplish things. The book reviews are getting a lower priority at present. Yes, they will return at a date to be determined.

Airborne: A Combat History of American Airborne Forces by LTG (Retired) E. M. Flanagan Jr.

Airborne Airborne: A Combat History of American Airborne Forces by LTG (Retired) E. M. Flanagan Jr. Allow me to state my prejudices...