Flags of Our Fathers by James Bradley is one of the best World War II books I have ever read and I have read many books on World War II. The book takes you past the split second that picture was taken and puts you into the lives of the men. You learn about more than just the few moments surrounding that infamous moment in Marine history, you learn about romance in the U.S., and you learn about their families, you learn about the men who served along side the flag raisers and you learn of the impact that one picture had on their lives, and its not quite what you thought.
I strongly recommend this book. It brought a whole new found respect for those who fought to preserve my freedom. It is about more than just the flag raisers, it is about all the wonderful servicemen who gave me the country I have today. I recently saw the movie based on the book. The book is much better than the movie. Skip the movie, read the book. Read and reviewed by Jimmie A. Kepler
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